ETIP HYDROPOWER Secretariat / Project Team
The ETIP HYDROPOWER Project Team (and ETIP HYDROPOWER Secretariat) comprises 8 partners:
The ETIP HYDROPOWER EUROPE Project is Coordinated by ICOLD:ICOLD: International Commission on Large DamsThe International Commission on Large Dams (or Commission Internationale des Grands Barrages – ICOLD/CIGB) is a non-governmental International Organization created in 1928, which provides a forum for the exchange of knowledge and experience in dam engineering. ICOLD groups 100 National Committees, which are consisting of persons relevant to dams in countries wishing to become member. Any country can become a "Member Country" and constitute a National Committee. The official languages are French and English. For more information see: www.icold-cigb.org |
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Other Partners (in alphabetic order) include:EASE: European Association for Storage of EnergyThe European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) is the voice of the Energy Storage community by having over 40 members representing electric grid operators, utilities, research, academia, and industry. The association is actively promoting Energy Storage in Europe and worldwide. EASE actively supports the deployment of Energy Storage as an indispensable instrument within the framework of the European energy and climate policy to deliver services to, and improve the flexibility of, the European energy system, contributes to building a European platform for sharing and disseminating Energy Storage-related information and, finally, supports the transition towards a sustainable, flexible and reliable energy system in Europe. For more information see: www.ease-storage.eu |
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EREF: European Renewable Energies FederationEREF is the federation of national renewable energy associations from EU Member States, representing all renewable energy sectors. Its objective is to defend the interests of independent power, fuel and heat production from renewable sources and to promote non-discriminatory access to the energy market. EREF strives to create, maintain and further develop stable and reliable framework conditions for renewable energy sources. EREF’s Small Hydropower Chapter represents the interest of the European small hydropower sector by promoting the benefits and opportunities of small hydropower at EU level to secure and enhance its place as an equally important part in the EU renewable energy mix and to create business opportunities for the many small and medium-sized enterprises throughout Europe. For more information see: www.eref-europe.org |
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EUREC: Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres (EUREC)EUREC, created in 1991, is the leading association of research centres and university departments active in the area of renewable energy. The purpose of the association is to promote and support the development of innovative technologies and human resources to enable a prompt transition to a more sustainable energy system. EUREC activities cover: networking to facilitate exchange of information to improve scientific knowledge and expertise on the latest technology as well as policy developments in the area of renewable energy technologies; project communication to promote and disseminate research results related to renewable energy technologies; policy inputs; education and training. EUREC supports the renewable energy research community in ensuring that scientific results are communicated to a wider audience. For more information see: www.eurec.be/en/ |
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IHA: International Hydropower AssociationIHA was established in 1994 and is an international organization which builds and shares knowledge in the hydropower sector, with a focus on international good practice and sustainable development. It has 101 institutional members active in over 100 countries, with a third of them being based in Europe. Its work programme principally consists of knowledge and capacity building in the areas of climate resilience, sediment management, river basin development, hydropower benefits, finance and investment, clean energy systems, regional interconnections, GHG footprint, operations and maintenance, modernisation, and a hydropower sustainability work programme which includes the Hydropower Sustainability Assessment Protocol and its derivative tools. For more information see: www.hydropower.org |
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SAMUI: Samui France sarlSamui France SARL is an SME which specializes in research and consultancy in flood risk analysis, flood risk management, emergency management and scientific knowledge broking and project management – helping transform research into practice. With a long history of working on National, European and International research projects, Samui has participated in a variety of roles ranging from Coordinator and project management support, to managing the communication, dissemination and outreach actions and specific technical research roles. In particular, for HYDROPOWER EUROPE, Samui will support project coordination, development of the consultation platform and communication and dissemination activities. For more information see: www.samuifrance.com |
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VGB: VGB PowerTech e.V.VGB PowerTech e.V. is the international technical association for generation and storage of power and heat. VGB´s 452 members located in more than 33 countries represent a power plant capacity of 433,000 MW. About 1600 experts from members are active in more than 90 technical committees to exchange operating experience. VGB also coordinates relevant activities of member companies with government institutions and additional partners in international cooperation worldwide. The main focus of VGB’s work is the compilation of technical competence and services for members and to provide operational services. Furthermore in the focus is the compilation of technical standards, the co-ordination of projects and R&D measures, publishing information and publication of technical reports and last but not least organization of congresses, symposia and conferences, technical exhibitions, seminars and workshops. VGB is well embedded in the European Network for generation and storage of Power and Heat. For more information see: www.vgb.org/en/_hydro.html |
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Zabala Brussels (Zabala Brussels)Zabala Brussels is the European hub of Zabala Innovation which brings together (220+) experienced advisors located internationally across multiple offices and specialising in assisting clients with access to grant funding from a number of local, regional, national and European and International authorities. ZABALA Brussels collaborators are experienced in Innovation funding, and project management as well as managing the secretariat of several European Platforms such as the European Technology and Innovation Platform Smart Networks for Energy Transition or the European and Innovation Partnership Smartcities and Communities from 2014 until 2016. For more information see: www.zabala.eu/en/home |
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