Installed hydropower capacity is expected to more than double worldwide by 2050, according to a new IRENA report

"Hydropower has been an effective source of clean energy generation for more than a century," said IRENA Director General Francesco La Camera, adding, however, that "with the rapidly changing energy landscape, it is important to reassess its future role and take advantage of recent technological advances that can maximize its potential, while ensuring its sustainability and climate resilience."

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Multipurpose projects for the sustainable future of hydropower

Hydropower is a renewable energy source that, due to its flexibility, it is a privileged position to be a key enabler of the energy transition in Europe. What is more, the current energy crisis added to the climate emergency, evidences the need to decarbonise, and that, can only be done through the massive deployment of renewable energies.

Globally, hydropower accounted for the 60% of all renewable electricity generation in 2020, and it still could double its capacity. In fact, that is the trend that the International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Hydropower Association (IHA) foresee by 2050.

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The value of flexibility in hydropower: factsheets by IEA

Globally, hydropower accounts for 60% of all renewable electricity generation in 2020, making it the main source of renewable energy in the electricity industry. The International Energy Agency (IEA) and the International Hydropower Association (IHA) expect that hydropower generation and installed capacity double by 2050.

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REPORT: Hydropower and Pumped Hydropower Storage in the European Union

Hydropower is one of the oldest energy technologies that dates thousands of years ago and that lasts until today. It is the largest renewable technology with 1,360 GW of installed capacity around the world. In addition, as a flexible energy source allows the integration of other sources such as wind and solar power, ensuring grid stability. For this reason, hydropower is well-suited to play a key role in the European decarbonisation that will lead to the consecution of the renewable energy targets set by the European Commission in the Renewable Energy Directive.

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Re-watch the webinar: Unifying the voices of hydropower in Europe

Last 25 January 2023, ETIP HYDROPOWER organiser an explainatory webinar attended by more than 110 participants (reaching 130) where ETIP HYDROPOWER was explained in detail. To finalise, a roundtable discussion was held where the following question was addressed: "What form of sustainable organisation representing the hydropower sector is required to ensure the vital role of hydropower in the energy transition sector?". Watch the different slots of the session by clicking on the links below:

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