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Denis Aelbrecht and Anton J. Schleiss Honored Among the 75 Most Influential People in Hydropower

The "75 Most Influential People in Hydropower" list has been released by International Water Power & Dam Construction. This list recognizes individuals who have made significant contributions to hydropower development, and from ETIP HYDROPOWER we want to acknowledge the work of all those featured on the list.

The list includes Denis Aelbrecht, Head of Technology at EDF Hydro Engineering Center, whose leadership roles within the Comité Français des Barrages et Réservoirs (CFBR) and as Chair of the ETIP HYDROPOWER Governing Board demonstrate his impact on the industry.

Anton J. Schleiss, with his extensive career in hydraulic engineering and dam construction, is also recognized. His role as the technical coordinator of ETIP HYDROPOWER highlights his continued involvement in the hydropower sector.

The individuals featured on this list represent the collaborative and innovative spirit that drives the hydropower industry. Their work contributes to the advancement of sustainable energy solutions and resilience.

Read the full article here

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