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ETIP HYDROPOWER Announces the winners of the summer postcard contest and wishes you a great summer holiday!

The ETIP HYDROPOWER team is announcing the winners of the Summer Postcard Contest. The contest, which aimed to capture the beauty and power of hydropower through photography, showcased the aesthetic beauty of hydropower.

Winning Photographs:

  • Martin Stoyanov - This breathtaking photograph captures the highest dam on the territory of Bulgaria and Balkan Peninsula, the Kalim Dam, located at 2,394 meters above sea level in the Rila Mountain, an excellent place to spend a hot summer day in Bulgaria.
  • Krasimir Karamfilov – This image depicts the Shiroka Polyana Dam, a reservoir located in the Western Rhodope Mountains of southern Bulgaria. Its waters are used for electricity generation and irrigation. Due to its scenic location and abundance of fish, this reservoir is a popular tourist destination.

Both winners will have their photos featured on ETIP HYDROPOWER's official postcards and social media channels and will also be used to greet all our members. These will be used to promote the importance of hydropower in achieving a sustainable future.

The winning photographs are now available on our social media channels. Follow us to stay updated on our initiatives and to see more inspiring content from the hydropower community.

For more information, visit the social media and join the conversation with the hashtags #HydroSummer #HydroPhotoContest.


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