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ETIP HYDROPOWER Webinar: Hydropower Plant and Battery Coupling

ETIP Hydropower will host a webinar titled “Hydropower Plant and Battery Coupling: Advantages and Challenges” on December 12, 2024, from 15:00 to 16:30 CET. This session will address the integration of battery technologies with hydropower plants, examining their impact on energy efficiency, operational flexibility, and sustainability.

The webinar will feature: 

Jean-Louis Drommi, an expert engineer at Electricité de France, Hydro Engineering Center. He manages all electrical aspects of hydro projects both at design stage and maintenance. He develops innovation project such as variable speed, hybrid solution, flexibility improvement. He has been working at Electricité de France since 1987, in Hydro and Nuclear Division.

Eduardo Prieto Araujo, a Serra Húnter Associate Professor with the Electrical Engineering Department, UPC. In 2021, he was a Visiting Professor with the Automatic Control Laboratory, ETH Zürich. In 2022, he co-founded eRoots, which is a spin-off company of CITCEA-UPC, focused on the analysis of modern power systems. His research interests include renewable generation systems, control of power converters for HVdc applications, interaction analysis between converters and power electronics-dominated power systems.

Javier Olarte, with 35+ years in battery systems and energy storage, holds a Ph.D. in Control Engineering from UPV-EHU and is Technology Transfer Director at CIC energiGUNE and CEO of Battery Care. He co-chairs WG6 on Stationary Applications at Batteries Europe and previously chaired WG2 on Energy Storage at ETIP SNET.

Registration is open! https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/723401028994704477



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