The events that shaped the European hydropower community in 2023

The European Technology and Innovation Platform on Hydropower (ETIP Hydropower) has recently made significant strides in the energy sector, participating in high-profile events and advancing its governance structure. This summary highlights the key developments in the Governing Board elections, the project's involvement in Enlit Europe, collaboration with the Global Renewables Alliance (GRA), and the outcomes of the inaugural "Brussels Hydropower Day."


Brussels Hydropower Day:

ETIP Hydropower successfully organized the first edition of the "Brussels Hydropower Day" on April 25, 2023. The event brought together stakeholders to discuss opportunities and barriers in the deployment of hydropower amidst challenges like the energy transition and changing market conditions. Keynote speakers highlighted the role of hydropower in the energy landscape, emphasizing the need for sustainable solutions.

Establishment of the Governing Board:

ETIP Hydropower is actively working towards establishing a robust governance structure. The Governing Board, crucial for shaping the future of the hydropower sector in Europe, has been successfully established and held its first official meeting on 23 November 2023. The Board is composed of 25 stakeholders representing all relevant hydropower sub-sectors, e.g. industry, operators, R&D&I, environment & civil society. They will collectively provide strategic advice to the SET Plan, addressing topics such as market analysis, research funding, biodiversity protection, and ecological continuity with the support of ETIP Hydropower project in the secretariat role. The Governing Board is led by a chairperson and two co-chairs, who have been elected in December 2023 for a 3-year term. In Q1 2024, the Governing Board is planning to discuss launching of the first thematic Working Groups. The secretariat will also proceed with the establishment of the Scientific Advisory Board, composed of relevant R&D stakeholders and stakeholder fora representatives, e.g. DG JRC, IEA Task 9, EURELECTRIC and others.

World Hydropower Congress 2023:

The World Hydropower Congress in Bali, organized by partner IHA, is anticipated to bridge the gap between climate ambition and actionable solutions. This global event, scheduled for October 31 to November 2, aims to bring together decision-makers, innovators, and experts to shape the future of sustainable hydropower and contribute to the world's clean energy transition.

Enlit Europe Participation:

ETIP Hydropower has participated in the recent Enlit Europe forum, where it featured in the ETIPs Forum session on renewable energy sources. The event, hosting 12,000 energy professionals, aimed to foster collaboration, showcase industry developments, and engage with EU-funded projects. ETIP Hydropower was also present at the Zabala Innovation booth during the three-day event, providing a platform to discuss and showcase its innovative strategies for the future of hydropower.

Conference HYDRO 2023:

Anton Schleiss from the ETIP Hydropower Management Team chaired a session at the HYDRO 2023 conference, emphasizing the importance of reliable hydropower as a catalyst for Europe's clean and safe energy transition. The outcomes of this session are slated for publication in the Journal on Hydropower & Dams in 2023.

Global Renewables Alliance Formation:

In a significant global development, over 40 nations and influential organizations have united under the banner of the Global Renewables Alliance (GRA). The International Hydroelectric Association (IHA) has joined forces with GRA, emphasizing a comprehensive approach to drive the transformation of the energy sector through collaborative action.

As ETIP Hydropower actively engages in global forums, governance structure development, and collaborative initiatives, it continues to play a crucial role in shaping the future of the hydropower sector. The project's commitment to innovation, collaboration, and sustainability positions it as a key player in the ongoing energy transition. Stay tuned for further updates and insights as ETIP Hydropower progresses in its mission to redefine the landscape of hydropower research, innovation, and industry collaboration.


HydrolinkMagazine, 2/2023 of Int. Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research (IAHR)


Anton Schleiss, Jean-Jacques Fry, and Mark Morris from the ETIP HYDROPOWER Management Team published a paper entitled “The energy crisis in Europa reveals the importance of reliable hydropower as a catalyst and enabler for the clean and safe energy transition” which gives an overview of the results of HYDROPOWER EUROPE project as well as the goals and outcomes of the ETIP HYDROPOWER project.

Access the publication HERE.



ETIP Hydropower Joins Enlit Europe: Shaping the Future of Hydropower Innovation at Enlit

ETIP HYDROPOWER project participates in this year’s edition of Enlit Europe, the in-person event that brings together the energy community to discuss, collaborate and shape the future of the industry.

We are delighted to announce that ETIP HYDROPOWER will be participating in the upcoming Enlit Europe forum. The project will take part on the ETIPs Forum - Reshaping energy landscapes: The key role of research and innovation for renewable energy sources session that will be held on the 29th of November. In addition, it will be present during the three days of the event at the Zabala Innovation booth, the lead beneficiary of the Communication, Dissemination, and Exploitation Workpackage. 

Enlit Details:

Date: November 28-30, 2023

Location: Paris Expo Porte de Versailles, Paris, France

Session: 29th Nov 14:45-15:30 |EU Projects Zone Hub - Theatre 1 (Hall 7.2)

Stand: 7.2.H80-08

Why Enlit Europe:

Enlit Europe, a premier energy event, will host 12,000 energy professionals, 700 exhibitors, and 500 speakers in Paris. Attendees will explore the latest industry developments, connect with start-ups and entrepreneurs driving the energy transition, and engage with EU-funded projects at the forefront of the energy transition acceleration. Enlit is a dynamic and inclusive forum that addresses every aspect of the energy agenda, fostering collaboration and innovation year-round.

The ETIP Hydropower project will be featured at the highly renowned Enlit Forum in Paris. This project, dedicated to fostering innovation and collaboration in the hydropower sector, is committed to showcase its visionary strategies for the future. 

This is not just an event; it is a milestone for ETIP Hydropower to connect with industry leaders, researchers, and policymakers. Visit our booth to delve into discussions, meet our experts, and understand how this project is charting the course for the future of hydropower innovation.

Stay tuned for exclusive updates and insights as ETIP Hydropower and Enlit converge to redefine the landscape of hydropower research, innovation, and industry collaboration.

Find all the information here: ETIP HYDROPOWER | Enlit World 


Conference HYDRO 2023:

Anton Schleiss from the ETIP HYDROPOWER Management Team was invited to chair the Session 1 on Hydro Planning and Potential. He presented an introductory talk entitled “Importance of reliable hydropower as a catalyst and enabler for the clean and safe energy transition in Europe”. The talk addressed in detail the purpose, activities and outcomes of the ETIP HYDROPOWER project. The summary of the outcomes of the session will be published in Journal on Hydropower & Dams, Issue 5, 2023.

Anton Schleiss was also the co-organizer and a speaker of the Seminar on  Pumped Storage which was hold on October 15 in the framework of HYDRO 2023.

More information: https://www.hydropower-dams.com/hydro-2023/ 





EU leads in Hydropower R&D, Innovation, and Sustainability

A recent report confirms the European Union's (EU) position in hydropower, emphasizing its prowess in research and development (R&D), scientific research, technological innovation, and sustainable solutions. The EU hosts more than a quarter of the world's pumped-hydropower-storage capacity, solidifying its role in supporting renewable energy integration, energy storage, and grid stability.

Hydropower plays a vital part in addressing climate change and water demand, but it also poses environmental challenges, highlighting its complexity within the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem nexus.

Current EU hydropower trends focus on unlocking hidden potential in existing facilities, enhancing resilience to climate change, and incorporating digital solutions. New reservoirs are designed with versatility in mind to serve multiple purposes.

Key Points from the Report:

  • Pumped-Hydropower Prowess: The EU holds over 25% of global pumped-hydropower-storage capacity, a key player in energy storage.
  • Climate Resilience: Modernizing infrastructure for better climate adaptability is a priority.
  • Environmental Responsibility: Sustainable practices are promoted to minimize environmental impacts.
  • Multi-Use Reservoirs: New reservoirs are designed to offer multiple services.

For the full report, please visit this website.

Business Hydro on 9 and 10 October 2023

The Hydro21 association organised the 8th edition of its Rencontres Business Hydro on 9 and 10 October 2023 in Grenoble, on the theme of the storage and flexibility of hydroelectricity, in the midst of the development and integration of intermittent renewable energies and the security of the electricity grid. This event is the business meeting place for the hydropower industry in France. Roland Lescure, Minister Delegate for Industry and Emmanuelle Verger-Chabot, Director of EDF Hydro.

This year's event attracted more than 1,500 participants, over 150 exhibitors, 6 round tables, doctoral student pitches, keynotes from leading industrial, institutional and political figures, participants from Switzerland and Italy, and disseminated the publication of the White Paper - Volume 4, including a paper on ETIP Hydropower. J-J Fry from ETIP Hydropower took part in a round table discussion on innovation and highlighted the advantages of ETIP Hydropower for developing and financing research and innovation in the hydropower sector.

Access the publication HERE.


ICOLD European Club Symposium “Role of dams and reservoirs in a successful energy transition” - 5 September 2023, Interlaken (Switzerland)

Anton Schleiss, Jean-Jacques Fry, and Mark Morris from the ETIP HYDROPOWER Management Team contributed to the Symposium with the paper “Importance of hydropower reservoirs and dams in Europe to mitigate the energy crisis and to serve as a catalyst and enabler for the Green Deal”. Furthermore,  ETIP HYDROPOWER was presented in the technical exhibition with 4 banners.

Access the paper HERE.


Governing Board Elections Process & Schedule for the ETIP HYDROPOWER




In the realm of sustainable energy, hydropower stands as a beacon of hope, providing clean and renewable energy while mitigating environmental impacts. In the pursuit of harnessing the full potential of hydropower, the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Hydropower (ETIP HYDROPOWER) has embarked on a mission to establish a robust governance structure. Central to this structure is the Governing Board (GB), which will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of the hydropower sector in Europe.

The path to constituting the Governing Board is characterized by transparency, inclusivity, and a commitment to diverse representation. Let's delve into the process and schedule for the Governing Board elections, which marks a significant milestone in the ETIP HYDROPOWER project.

Step 1: Open Call for GB Membership Applications (4th - 9th October, 2023)

The journey begins with an open call to members of the General Assembly, inviting them to apply for membership on the Governing Board. This call, issued through the ETIP HYDROPOWER platform, is a critical opportunity for passionate individuals to actively participate in shaping the hydropower landscape.

Step 2: Processing and Review of Applications (11th - 13th October, 2023)

After the submission deadline, the received applications, including CVs, will undergo meticulous processing. These applications will then be made accessible to General Assembly members for review via the ETIP HYDROPOWER platform.

Step 3: General Assembly Voting (16th - 27th October, 2023)

General Assembly members will cast their votes for their preferred Governing Board candidates. This process will take place entirely online through the ETIP HYDROPOWER Consultation Platform.

Step 4: Announcement of Election Results (1st - 3rd November, 2023)

Following the conclusion of the voting period, the election results will be officially announced. This pivotal moment will unveil the dedicated individuals who will take on the responsibility of steering the ETIP HYDROPOWER project forward as members of the Governing Board.


Call for Governing Board Candidates

The ETIP HYDROPOWER initiative aims to unite stakeholders from various sectors—industry, academia, research, civil society, and sectorial associations—in a robust network prepared to address the challenges facing the hydropower sector. This network will harmonize and coordinate research and innovation strategies to offer consensus-based strategic advice to the SET Plan. This advice will encompass market analysis, research and development funding needs, biodiversity protection, and ecological continuity.

The Governing Board aspires to represent a balanced view, with operators, industry representatives, and research communities forming its core. To achieve this equilibrium, the Governing Board will consist of 17-25 members distributed across seven stakeholder categories, each designed to ensure representation of the entire hydropower sector. These categories encompass:

  • Hydropower industry and technology (4 seats)
  • Operators/owners of large hydropower plants and pumped storage power plants (4 seats)
  • Independent operators/owners of small hydropower plants (< 10 MW) (1 seat)
  • Design, planning, and project development (2 seats)
  • Finance, business, and insurance (1 seat)
  • Research, innovation, and development (3 seats)
  • Environment and civil society (2 seats)
    To facilitate diversity in geographical representation and gender balance within the Governing Board, a two-step election process is employed.

Election Process Overview

Election of the Maximum of 17 Seats: In this phase, all submitted applications are considered, and General Assembly organizations vote for candidates within each stakeholder category to fill the initial 17 seats.
Selection Process for Up to 8 Additional Seats: After the initial election, the diversity of the elected 17 seats is reviewed and discussed with the European Commission. If deemed necessary, 5-8 additional seats are allocated to enhance diversity. These seats are selected from non-elected candidates from the first phase, primarily focusing on increasing geographical, gender, and company size diversity.
It's worth noting that the results of the 17 elected seats and the 5-8 selected seats will not be differentiated in public announcements. The Governing Board also comprises representatives from Working Groups, the Scientific Advisory Board, and the Member States Liaison Group.

As for voting, organizations, not individual professionals, hold voting rights. The number of votes an organization has depends on its size:

  • < 10 employees/members (=micro enterprise): 1 vote
  • 10 to 249 employees/members (=SME): 2 votes
  • 250 to 4999 employees/members (=intermediate enterprise): 3 votes
  • 5000 employees/members (=large enterprise): 4 votes
  • All individuals registered with the Consultation Platform have the privilege to vote. Adjustments in the weight of votes will be made to comply with the allocations mentioned above, reflecting individual affiliations.

For any inquiries or clarifications regarding the election process, stakeholders are encouraged to reach out via info@etip-hydropower.eu . This transparent and inclusive process ensures that the Governing Board of ETIP HYDROPOWER represents the diverse voices and expertise essential for propelling the hydropower sector towards a sustainable and innovative future.

 More information on our consultation platform: https://hydro-consultation.eu/governing-board-elections/ 




Global Renewables Alliance Formed and IHA Joins Forces

The world has united under the banner of the Global Renewables Alliance (GRA), a coalition of over 40 nations and influential organizations, to expedite the transition from conventional to renewable energy sources. Leaders and experts have come together, driven by a shared commitment to combat environmental challenges through collaborative action. 

The inaugural GRA summit in Geneva, Switzerland, was a showcase of commitment from member nations. The President of the host country passionately articulated the alliance's potential to guide the world towards a more sustainable future. Renewable energy technologies, encompassing solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomass solutions, lie at the heart of the GRA's mission. Member countries have committed to individual and shared goals, including ramping up the proportion of renewables in their energy mix, bolstering investments in clean technology research, and cultivating international partnerships to exchange successful strategies.

The inclusion of the International Hydroelectric Association (IHA) underscores the GRA's reach and impact. As a prominent player in the renewable energy sector, the IHA's involvement adds further impetus to the alliance's goals. This collaboration between governments, industries, and associations reinforces the GRA's comprehensive approach to driving the energy sector's transformation.

More about the Alliance: https://globalrenewablesalliance.org/