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Thank You to Over 100 Participants for Joining Our Webinar!

ETIP HYDROPOWER hosted a webinar, "Boosting Hydropower with Good Practices for Research," showcasing advancements in the hydropower field. The event brought together key players and highlighted promising initiatives leveraging digital solutions to enhance hydropower efficiency and sustainability.

Emanuele Quaranta from the European Commission provided an overview of current hydropower research activities, mentioning that the European Union allocates an average of €10 million annually to EU-based hydropower projects. Therefore, Anton Schleiss emphasized ETIP HYDROPOWER's role in unifying the sector and presenting a single voice on key issues.

The webinar featured presentations from three key projects focused on digitalization within the hydropower sector:

  • D-HYDROFLEX: Presented by Katerina Drivakou, this project aims to improve sustainability performance and flexibility of hydropower assets using IoT, digital twin technologies, AI-based techniques, and novel sensor-based modeling. The project also focuses on reducing the impact on fish migratory species and enhancing cybersecurity.
  • Di-Hydro: Presented by Alkiviadis Tromaras, this project focuses on the digitalization of operations and maintenance for hydropower plants. It includes real-time system management, remote monitoring, AI-based techniques, and advanced sensors to improve efficiency and sustainability.
  • iAMP-Hydro: Presented by Aonghus McNabola, this project co-develops and validates novel condition monitoring and predictive maintenance solutions, advanced sensors for biodiversity monitoring, and enhanced weather and flow forecasting models. It aims to improve the ecological and socio-economic sustainability of existing plants.

These initiatives represent significant steps forward in unlocking hydropower's full potential as a clean and reliable renewable energy source for the EU. By harnessing digital technologies, these projects aim to propel efficiency, optimize resource utilization, and pave the way for a sustainable energy future for Europe.

Thank you to our amazing community and stay updated with more exciting developments coming soon!

For more information: 

Speaker slides: ETIP HYDROPOWER, Emanuele Quaranta (EC), Katerina Drivakou, Alkiviadis Tromaras, Aonghus McNabola

Webinar recording here

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